
广中医仙葫院区19日开业 从17日起至月底门诊诊查费将全免 ...:2021-7-19 · 7月19日,广西中医药大学第一附属医院仙葫院区举行开业庆典仪式。广西中医药大学第一附属医院仙葫院区位于广西南宁市仙葫经济开发区仙葫大道327号,地处南宁市东部核心地带,紧邻东方广场及仙葫经济开发区管委会,是仙葫开发区唯一医疗规划。

广中医仙葫院区19日开业 从17日起至月底门诊诊查费将全免 ...:2021-7-19 · 7月19日,广西中医药大学第一附属医院仙葫院区举行开业庆典仪式。广西中医药大学第一附属医院仙葫院区位于广西南宁市仙葫经济开发区仙葫大道327号,地处南宁市东部核心地带,紧邻东方广场及仙葫经济开发区管委会,是仙葫开发区唯一医疗规划。

So I’ve been thinking about the ways they’re the same, because maybe there is something to learn about qualities of really effective people in general.

The best people in both groups spend a lot of time reflecting on some version of the Hamming question—"what are the most important problems in your field, and why aren’t you working on them?” In general, no one reflects on this question enough, but the best people do it the most, and have the best ‘problem taste’, which is some combination of learning to think independently, reason about the future, and identify attack vectors. (This from John Schulman is worth reading: http://joschu.net/blog/opinionated-guide-ml-research.html).

腾讯加速器收费了!价格亲民的加速器花落谁家? - huanqiu.com:2021-5-4 · 腾讯网游加速器: 价格:30元 付费模式:月卡、季卡、年卡 点评:腾讯加速器自打推出的那天就褒贬不一。但因为其免费,所以仍然聚拢了大量用户。

They are extremely persistent and willing to work hard. As far as I can tell, there is no high-probability way to be very successful without this, and you should be suspicious of people who tell you otherwise unless you’d be happy having their career (and be especially suspicious if they worked hard themselves).

They have a bias towards action and trying things, and they’re clear-eyed and honest about what is working and what isn’t (importantly, this goes both ways—I’m amazed by how many people will see something working and then not pursue it). 

They are creative idea-generators—a lot of the ideas may be terrible, but there is never a shortage.

They really value autonomy and have a hard time with rules that they don’t think make sense. They are definitely not lemmings.

Their motivations are often more complex than they seem—specifically, they are frequently very driven by genuine curiosity.
